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(802) 449-6219‬
Struggle to Fall Asleep? From Today Forward, You Can Finally...
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
Fall Asleep Fast 
Stay Asleep Longer...
 Without Negative Side Effects.
From: Susan M. 
{{city}}, {{state}}
Re: Sleepy Joe’s All-Natural Sleep Formula

Dear Sleepy, 

I have extreme difficulty trying to sleep, and I’ve suffered from sleep issues for over 30 years.

Of course, there were good nights and bad nights. 
Sometimes the bad nights were really, really bad -- my brain would jolt, or my racing mind would just keep me awake. 
Other times I spent all night staring at the wall... and glancing at the clock every 15 minutes pleading for an ounce of sleepiness. 

If you're like me, you know it's not something you ever get used to.

For a few years I had not slept through the night without waking up at 2 or 3am. 

I tried natural sleep aids, and most did nothing. Others gave me anxiety as I kept tossing and turning through the night.

My doctor recommended some pills, but I was scared to become dependent and worried about the side effects. I finally caved.  

After some trial and error, we found a prescription drug that seemed to help me sleep. 
The Problem Was... It Hit Me Really Too Hard!
So hard, in fact... There was a few times when my husband found me sleep walking. Sometimes he'd find me doing odd things... and the worst part about it was I had no memory of it in the morning.

Once he found me eating a bowl of cereal with a big mixing spoon... out back in my nightgown! 

Another time I fell... 
I can't tell you how I fell, I can't tell you where I fell... I woke up with a bruise on my leg and a couple on each of my arms. Not to mention the massive headache!
It was terrifying. Who knows what kind of mess I could find myself in.  

I had to stop taking the prescriptions.

Of course, my sleepless nights returned... complete with anxiety, tension, tears, and maybe 3 or 4 hours of sleep if I was lucky... but at least I wasn't putting myself in danger. 

I tried the supplement route again. Some did nothing... And others made me feel drugged up because I was so zonked, and it took my hours to shake off the grogginess in the morning. 
Just When I Had Lost All Hope...
My dear friend gifted me a bottle of Sleepy Joe All Natural Sleep Aid.
I was expecting it to be a waste of money as other supplements had been... but I was desperate.
I tried them, and was pleasantly surprised... From a day one, they helped calm my mind so I could go to sleep fast and stay asleep longer.
With Sleepy Joe, I wake up rested, and I don’t feel all groggy.
These little gems are a lifesaver. They get me sleepy when I take them about 30 minutes prior to bed. The vegetarian coating helps them to go down easy with or without a drink.
They aren't a pharmaceutical, so they don't knock me out like Mike Tyson, and I don't wake up wondering "what happened last night?"
You see -- After I take them, they get my yawning and start making me sleepy. It feels very natural.
Not only do I sleep... I actually stay asleep. 
"Sleepy Joe Did This!"
I sleep like a baby. When I wake up feeling rested, I think to myself, "Sleepy Joe did this!"
My energy levels are high, and I can give my attention to what matters most.

It’s a balanced blend that is gentle, effective, and leaves this troubled sleeper feeling refreshed in the morning.
If you have hard time sleeping, I highly recommend it -- Sleepy Joe is wonderful, natural, and really works.
Sleepy Joe contains 18 potent sleep inducing ingredients to help you fall asleep fast, and stay asleep longer... without negative side effects.
Sleep Deprivation is Brutal on
The Body, and Can Cause
Severe Health Issues.
The research is clear... 

Millions around the world struggle to achieve proper sleep each night. Negative health effects of poor sleep are staggering. 

Lack of sleep severely hinders your brain’s ability to function. Poor sleep creates the perfect conditions for anxiety to flourish because your brain can’t process your thoughts and emotions the way it’s supposed to. 

With all the crazy going on in the world today... Can we agree -- you don't need any more stress and anxiety in your life?

That’s why we worked around the clock with leading chemists to create the potent, powerful sleep aid.
SLEEPY JOE Sleep Formula incorporates 18 sleep inducing ingredients with maximum potency... For the most affordable price... While avoiding harsh side effects of popular store bought sleep aids.
Thousands of People Just Like You
Fall Asleep Fast... with Sleepy Joe 
Thousands of People Just Like You Fall Asleep Fast... with Sleepy Joe 
Unlike popular store bought sleep formulas and sleep aids, SLEEPY JOE harnesses the power of 18 potent sleep inducing ingredients. Featuring ...
  • Valerian Root Extract: Traditionally used as far back as ancient Greece and Rome as a medicinal herb, a prominent Greek physician Galen of Pergamon dubbed valerian root as a remedy for sleeplessness.*
  • Melatonin: A hormone made by the pineal gland. Melatonin is essential in your body's ability to regulate and control your sleep and wake cycles. Contains 10mg of Melatonin per serving *
  • L-Tryptophan: This amino acid amino acid is a biochemical precursor to serotonin. Known as the happy chemical, serotonin may help prevent depression, and can be naturally converted by your body into melatonin, which supports normal, healthy sleep.*
  • Lemon Balm Leaf Extract: An essential oil known for supporting increased calmness, enhanced memory, and enriched alertness in adults under stress.
  • Chamomile: Used as a natural remedy to reduce inflammation, anxiety, and insomnia. In fact, chamomile is commonly regarded as a mild tranquilizer or sleep inducer. Its calming effects are unmatched.
  • Magnesium: This mineral plays a role in muscle and nerve function, regulating blood pressure and blood sugar, and even helps build bones and DNA. Research suggests magnesium may help regulate neurotransmitters that are directly related to sleep
  • G.A.B.A.: Known as the “brain’s natural calming agent,” G.A.B.A can help calm racing thoughts and reduce anxiety so you can drift off to sleep.
  • Hops Flower Extract: Hops also have a long history of use in herbal medicine, dating back to at least the 9th century in Europe. More recently, several scientific studies suggest hops have sedative effects and can aid in restful sleep.
  • And much, much more!  
You fall asleep fast with Sleepy Joe. 

This powerful sleep aid will calm your racing mind so you can enjoy the long, relaxing, restful sleep you deserve.

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ONE TIME OFFER: Dark to Light is the next generation of advanced neural activation and nootropics. Powered by a priority blend of research-backed ingredients, Dark to Light ensures increased mental clarity, improved memory function and brain energy, and boosts blood flow to the brain throughout your busy day… Without the crash. This all-new enhanced formulation not only contains 20% more capsules per bottle. Enhanced for maximum potency and contains a brand new ingredient called Black Pepper Fruit Extract for an added kick. Add a bottle or two to your cart and see how much more of your to-do list you can get done.

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Dynamically Updated $XX.00
I have reviewed my order, and I am ready to enhance the quality of my sleep with Sleepy Joe. I understand the information on this pages has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using this product. Red Pill Living makes every effort to manufacture products in, and source ingredients from, the USA whenever possible. Our products that display the “Made in the USA” disclaimer are manufactured or assembled in the USA under strict standards but may at times contain components from foreign sources if those components are not available from a domestic source. We hold these imported ingredients to the USA’s high standards of Good Manufacturing Practices. I agree that RedPill Living may contact me about my order and other promotional opportunities via email, phone, regular mail, or by text message. Of course, I can opt out at any time. 

100% Satisfied or Money Back

Sleepy Joe is guaranteed to put you out like Sleepy Joe in his mama's basement. If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, you can:

  • Return it unopened and get a full refund, or
  • Exchange unopened for another product,

You have 30 days from the date of your purchase, to initial a refund or exchange. Opened or not. If it has been opened, please let us know when you contact us as it needs to be mailed to a separate location. Not our Warehouse.
Do You Have Questions?
Where do you ship out the product from?
Due to massive demand we contracted Rakuten to serve you better. Rakuten is a respected name in international distribution. They have warehouses all over the US. Your package is likely to be shipped from the New York warehouse, and tracked via SKU and barcode number.
How long do they take to kick in? 
When you first start taking them, it may take between 30 to 40 minutes to get sleepy. As you get used to them, you might notice it takes 40 minutes to an hour.  It may also depend on how tiring your day was. Generally, take them in advance if you know you want to sleep early that night.
What are the ingredients? I can't see the tiny print of the tiny thumb-size image. list the ingredients clearly, state it in the description, please!
Active ingredients: Calcium, Vitamin B6, Magnesium, Melatonin, L-Tryptophan, Goji, Chamomile, Lemon Balm, Passion Flower, L-Taurine, Hops, St. John's Wort, GABA, Skullcap, L-Theanine, Ashwagandha, Inositol, 5-HTP

Inactive ingredients: Cellulose (vegetable capsule), Magnesium Stearate (vegetable), Silicon Dioxide
 Can I take these while I'm pregnant? 
We recommend always speaking with your healthcare provider prior to taking any dietary supplements during pregnancy or breast-feeding.
 Does this affect blood pressure?
We suggest consulting your doctor if you have any concerns about blood pressure before taking Sleepy Joe.
 Do these make you sad?
Absolutely not. Just sleepy! The only tears you will shed are tears of joy when you can finally enjoy a full, restful night's sleep.
What is your return policy?
Sleepy Joe is guaranteed to put you out like Sleepy Joe in his mama's basement. If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, you can:

   • Return it unopened and get a full refund, or
   • Exchange unopened for another product,

You have 30 days from the date of your purchase, to initial a refund or exchange. Opened or not. If it has been opened, please let us know when you contact us as it needs to be mailed to a separate location. Not our Warehouse.
What if I have questions or an issues? 
Send an email to or call our customer support at (802) 449-6219‬.

IMPORTANT: Statements made on this page (and other statements associated with Sleepy Joe) have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using this product.

Red Pill Living makes every effort to manufacture products in, and source ingredients from, the USA whenever possible. Our products that display the “Made in the USA” disclaimer are manufactured or assembled in the USA under strict standards but may at times contain components from foreign sources if those components are not available from a domestic source. We hold these imported ingredients to the USA’s high standards of Good Manufacturing Practices.
Copyright 2022 RedPill Living All Rights Reserved

Special One Time Offer:

Dark to Light is the next generation of advanced neural activation and nootropics. Powered by a priority blend of research-backed ingredients, Dark to Light ensures..:
 ✔  Increased mental clarity,
 ✔  Improved memory function,
 ✔  Boosted brain energy, and
 ✔  Enhanced ​blood flow to your brain...

 ✔  Without the crash.

Was $45.00


This all-new formulation is enhanced for maximum potency and contains a brand new ingredient called Black Pepper Fruit Extract for an added kick.
Now with 20% more capsules per bottle

Add a bottle to your cart and see how much more of your to-do list you can get done.

Was $45.00


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